Graduation Gift from Dad (Canon EOS450D)
My HTC Touch HD

HOOrRAyy... got my first ever PDA Phone 3 weeks ago. I have been dreaming of getting one ever since I saw Edison using his O2 palm, I think that was the model. However, I'm not so fancy about its design but its OS. Therefore, 2 years ago, I was looking on this HTC Touch Cruise, and retail price is being sold for RM3000+. At that time, I really felt its too freaking expensive plus its the first PDA phone fitted with 3g function. How tempting it was for me.
Fortunately, I have waited and this is what i get. An i-Phone killer (as being said by few forums that I have read), and here is the specs, where you can get it from
Just wanna share with you all that, the weather forecast provided by HTC, is super cool. Once you update the weather, there is a picture of a sun, when it is during a day, a moon, during night time, or if its cloudy, it will show a sign of it as well, and when its raining, it shows rain drops on your screen, and a wiper would help to wipe it off. How cool is that!!!!!! However, the phone is not very user friendly since its my first time of using a PDA phone, but after a while, you get used to it.
Anyway, just showing off a little bit, I have recently updated my net.framework to 3.5 which allowed me to install all those cool 3rd application into my PDA such as gyrator 2(allows your screen view to rotate landscape or portrait base on the sensitivity movement of your phone), install TomTom navigator with an Australia map and London map into it, and an English dictionary.