Barcelona managed to beat Manchester United (MU) by 2 goals.. It was an amazing finale and really did enjoyed the game not because MU lost but comparing what a boring match it was last year for both English teams to be in the finale considering not much an attacking match but defensive and plus drogba's attitude which makes the team doesnt really deserve to be in the finale. However, I considered MU to be lucky to won that match as John Terry slipped to miss the penalty kick to ruin Chelsea's celebration.
Anyway, i guessed lots of ppl would lose money and some of the fans would cry for the team that has supported Man Utd but please... don't any of u out there commit suicide just because of a match. Its only a match and your not the blame for urself for the team to lose. So no hard feeling alright.. as few weeks ago, an Arsenal fan has hung himself after knowing that Arsenal has been knocked up by Man Utd in the semi final. Although i considered myself an Arsenal fan, i wouldnt really be doing a suicidal attempt just because of a match. So.. pls think properly before u make up a decision to give up ur life!
N hey, finally Thierry Henry got what he deserved and what he has been wishing for, and i seriously think that Barcelona has the better chance of bringing the European Championship title back to Spain considering the way they performed during their La Liga seasons. Its really my privilege to watch them play! Scoring more than 100 goals a season for the entire club is something that i have not seen in any EPL clubs.
Therefore, BARCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Finally, the third time champions for European Champion but I really do wish arsenal would have a shot on the final again!
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