However, this year I'm lucky enough to get myself a ticket and watched them live, plus few superstars were here in Burswood Dome. Wrestlers like Triple H, Big Show, Randy Orton and even Goldust showed up. Baptista and John Cena was supposed to be entertaining us but dont know why they didnt wrestle at all... kind of disappointed..!! Even the kids were bragging in front of their mum saying "Where is John Cena?" LOL....
Anyway... I really did enjoyed my time there and its very similar to what I could see live from the tv SHOW... one thing about the ring.. the floor, and the sound effect.. man.. when they threw the guy on the floor, you could hear the impact real loud... hehehe
And one more thing, when Big Show slaps a person in the chest, thats for real! I could even hear it from where I've sit. And most of the match are just entertaining but some are for real.. and man Big Show is one of the hell big fella! And the choke slam, his strength and his height, Man He rocks.. cant believe Im seeing for real.
Triple H, he is cool the way he entertained us when the Raw Tour has finished... And his finisher, pedigree.. WOW.. couldnt believe im seeing that live as well! Anyway, i guess i would buy a front row seat next time when im going!
However, exiting Burswood Dome today was a pain in the ass because it was raining and we have to wait for the bus shutter to arrive and it was such a long que... damn!! LOL.. anyway, nice experience and I enjoyed it.. Oh yeah, about the merchandise.. it was super expensive!!! 50 aud for just a tshirt..!! Such a riped off.....
Here is some photo I have taken over there... its small but still visible: